
Apr 01


  • BY: Nati
  • April, 01st, 2016 7:18 +00:00

Good morning,

The end of the trading week saw a the Tankan figures from Japan, all missing expectations for the first quarter. The Nikkei Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index was out unchanged at 49.1 while Vehicle Sales were down 3.2% year on year to March. USDJPY trading at 112.24 at time of writing. Figures released in China show manufacturing PMI figures beating expectations. The AiG Performance of Mfg Index and the RBA Commodity Index SDR were both better than the previous readings. AUDUSD trading at 0.7667 at time of writing.

USDJPYecnDaily 01.04.16AUDUSDecnDaily 01.04.16

In Europe this session a host of Purchasing Manager Index figures (Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Switzerland) along with a range of Markit Manufacturing PMI figures (Italy, France, Germany, Greece, the Euro zone and the UK) for March will be released throughout the early morning session. Switzerland's Retail Sales figures for March could move the CHF if expectations are not met. EURCHF trading at 1.0932 while EURGBP trades at 0.7930 at time of writing. Unemployment figures from Italy and the Euro Zone area will also be updated today.

EURCHFecnDaily 01.04.16EURGBPecnDaily 01.04.16

Across the Atlantic today is Non-farm Payrolls day on Wall Street. US Unemployment is expected to remain unchanged at 4.9% while the ISM figures, Prices Paid and Manufacturing PMIs, for March will be out following. EURUSD trading at 1.1388 Also this session we will get the Royal Bank of Canada Manufacturing PMI figures. USDCAD trading at 1.3026 at time of writing. Looking ahead to next week the main data release from the US will be the FOMC meeting minutes next Thursday the 7th of April.

EURUSDecnDaily 01.04.16USDCADecnDaily 01.04.16

I hope you all have a nice weekend.