
Jun 01


  • BY: Nati
  • June, 01st, 2015 8:36 +00:00

Good morning,

In Asia we saw April Building Permits in Australia missing expectations. AUDUSD trading at 0.7653 The Reserve Bank of Australia will announce their Interest Rate decision in the coming 24 hours. Chinese HSBC Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index figures were out in line with expectations at 49.2 The main news coming from Japan is expected to be the BoJ Governor’s speech on monetary policy in Tokyo later in the week. USDJPY trading at 124.10

The NIKKEI closed at 20569.87

In Europe today we see a number of Markit Manufacturing numbers this morning. Spain, Italy, France, Germany, the Euro Zone and the United Kingdom PMI figures all due this session. Wednesday will see Euro Zone Unemployment figures and the ECB Interest Rate decision. EURUSD trading at 1.0903 German Unemployment figures due tomorrow along with Euro Zone Consumer Price Index figures.

The FTSE100 was trading at 7004.98 while the DAX was trading at 11455.25 early in the session.

Across the Atlantic we see Consumption Expenditure figures from the US along with Personal Spending figures for April. Following that we will see the Canadian Royal Bank of Canada Manufacturing PMI figures before the Markit Manufacturing PMI figures out of the United States. USDCAD trading at 1.2486 at time of writing. Unemployment figures out of both nations this Friday, with the US rate at 5.4% and the Canadian rate at 6.8% presently.

The DOW closed at 18010.68 on Friday, down 115.44 points or minus 0.64% from Thursday’s close.

Hope you all have a nice week.