
Sep 02


  • BY: Nati
  • September, 02nd, 2013 7:08 +00:00

Asian share prices were up this session as Chinese PMI figures showed a level of 50.1 as expected, up from 47.7. Metals and the AUD rose so far this session. The Reserve Bank of Australia meets tomorrow and is expected to leave rates unchanged at 2.5%. Australian Retail Sales figures will also be released tomorrow ahead of the RBA rate announcement. USD/JPY was trading at 98.77 with a high of 98.78 and a low of 98.27 so far.

The NIKKEI closed at 13572.90 up 184.06 or 1.37%

European markets will be focusing on the Purchasing Managers' Manufacturing Index figures for France and Germany this morning, both expected to remain unchanged at 49.7 and 52.0 respectively. German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schauble, addresses a budgetary committee on the Greek aid programme. France President, Francois Hollande, has agreed to act with the US on Syria. France will wait for the discussions in the US Congress and talks in the French parliament on Syria before making a decision on military intervention.

The FTSE100 closed at 6412.93 down 70.12 or minus 1.08% while the DAX closed at 8103.15 down 91.40 or minus 1.12%

US markets are closed today for the Labor Day celebrations. Syrian doubts were eased for the time being over the weekend leading to Oil prices declining. USOIL was trading at 106.23 with a high of 106.62 and a low of 105.50. The Bank of Canada meets on the 4th of September and the rate is expected to remain unchanged at 1.0% The G20 leaders will meet in St. Petersburg later this week. EUR/USD was trading at 1.3217 with a high of 1.3223 and a low of 1.3191.

The DOW closed at 14810.30 down 30.64 or minus 0.21%

Hope you all have a great week.