
Oct 06


  • BY: Donal Kelly
  • October, 06th, 2016 10:12 +00:00

Good morning,

Asian markets opened today with numbers out of Japan and Australia. Japanese Foreign Bond Investment and Foreign Investment in Japanese Stocks were published. Bond investment was falling while investment in stocks was on the rise. USDJPY trading at 103.58 at time of writing. Australian Trade Balance figures were not down by as much as had been forecast. Exports and Imports were unchanged. AUDUSD trading at 0.7585 at time of writing.

USDJPYecnDaily 06.10.16AUDUSDecnDaily 06.10.16

In Europe this morning German Factory Orders for August lead the way for data releases before Swiss Consumer Price Index for September will be announced. EURCHF trading at 1.0934 at time of writing. Then we will look towards Greece for their latest Unemployment Rate figure, which currently is 23.4% Following on from this will be the publication of the European Central Bank Monetary Policy Meeting Accounts, and this should give an overview of the banks position going forward.

EURCHFecnDaily 06.10.16USDCADecnDaily 06.10.16

Across the Atlantic today the Challenger Jobs Cuts figures for September will be the first item on Wall Street's agenda. Jobless Claims figures will be published an hour later. Canadian Building Permits for August are expected to grow by 3.0% from just 0.8% the previous month. USDCAD trading at 1.3202 at time of writing. Tomorrow will be the Non Farm Payrolls and Unemployment Rate day in the US and the markets have been waiting patiently for these figures it seems. Canadian Unemployment figures and PMI data could see USDCAD volatility in particular around these figures.

I hope you all have a nice day.