
Mar 09


  • BY: Nati
  • March, 09th, 2015 8:22 +00:00

Good morning,

Japanese Gross Domestic Product figures released show just a 1.5% growth figure for the 4th Quarter of 2014. USDJPY trading at 120.89 Chinese Consumer Price Index figures coming in the next 24 hours. Later this week we will see the reserve Bank of New Zealand’s Interest Rate decision, and Australia’s Unemployment data.

The NIKKEI closed at 18790.55 dropping 180.45 points, or minus 0.95%

In Europe today we will see the Eurogroup meeting taking place in Brussels. The Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, is expected to present reform proposals at the meeting. German Trade Balance figures were below expectations already this session, which will not help to stall the Euro decline. EURUSD trading at 1.0867 a level not seen since 2003

The FTSE100 was trading at 6877.10 while the DAX was trading at 11516.02 shortly after the opening bell.

In the US today there are no major figures due for release, with the Labor Market Conditions Index for February being the main event today. Canada Housing Starts for February will be announced, with USDCAD trading at 1.2602 Later this week US Retail Sales figures are out on Thursday, with Canadian Unemployment figures due out on Friday.

The DOW closed at 17856.78 down 278.94 points or minus 1.54% from Thursday’s close.

Hope you all have a good week.