
Oct 14


  • BY: Donal Kelly
  • October, 14th, 2016 10:10 +00:00

Good morning,

During the Asian session we saw Chinese Consumer Price Index figures beating expectations. Japanese Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index figures were in line with expectations, while the Money Supply rose slightly. Foreign Investment in Japanese stocks was up, while money for foreign bond investment out tightened further. USDJPY trading at 104.22 at time of writing. The Australian Financial Stability Review was published highlighting risks to the financial system, including their local property market, the banking system, particularly in Europe and Chinese growth. AUDUSD trading at 0.7604 at time of writing.

USDJPYecnDaily 14.10.16AUDUSDecnDaily 14.10.16

In Europe this session Spanish Consumer Prices are the first item on today's agenda. Then Switzerland will publish September's Producer and Import Prices. EURCHF trading at 1.0880 at time of writing. Bank of England Credit Conditions out of the UK will lead into the Italian Consumer Price Index figures are out before the Euro Zone Trade Balance for August will wrap up the European morning. Then we have a lot of data figures and a speech from Fed Chair, Janet Yellen, in the US. The Retail Sales and Producer Price Index figures are the first items on the agenda today Stateside. Then the Boston Fed President Rosengren is due to speak in Boston. The Reuters/Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index for October is then out along with August Business Inventories. EURUSD trading at 1.1014 at time of writing.

EURCHFecnDaily 14.10.16EURUSDecnDaily 14.10.16

I hope you all have a nice day.