Feb 12


  • BY: Nati
  • February, 12th, 2016 13:31 +00:00

Good afternoon,

Closing the week in the US we will get Retail Sales figures for January. EURUSD trading at 1.1253 The Reuters/Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index for February and Business Inventories for December will round off the data set for publication today. The Federal Reserve's William Dudley is scheduled to speak this session. USOIL trading at $30.15 per barrel. GOLD saw an interesting day with some swings yesterday reaching a high of $1263 per ounce. The shiny metal is priced at $1237 at time of writing. US and Canadian markets will have a long weekend, as markets remain closed for President's Day in the US and Family Day in Canada.

I hope you all have a nice weekend.