
Oct 20


  • BY: Donal Kelly
  • October, 20th, 2016 10:07 +00:00

Good morning,

This mornings papers are full of United States Presidential Debate review as people try to make sense to what either a Donald Trump or a Hillary Clinton presidency could look like. While that debate was going on we were looking towards Australian figures where Unemployment data showed the base unemployment rate is improving slightly. The National Australia Bank's Business Confidence for the third quarter was also up on the previous reading. AUDUSD trading at 0.7667 at time of writing.

AUDUSDecnDaily 20.10.16EURGBPecnDaily 20.10.16

In Europe this session German Producer Price Index figures will be the first piece of data scheduled for release today. Shortly afterward the Swiss Trade Balance s will be released. Later again we will see the Euro Zone Current Account before British Retail Sales figures for September are published. EURGBP trading at 0.8937 at time of writing. The big European news today will be the European Central Bank Interest Rate decision, and the following Mario Draghi press conference and monetary policy statement release.

USDCADecnDaily 20.10.16EURUSDecnDaily 20.10.16

Across the water in the United States financial data out today will see Jobless Claims figures and the Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey for October. Existing Homes Sales figures and the CB Leading Indicator for September will round off today's schedule. USDCAD trading at 1.3160 at time of writing. EURUSD trading at 1.0964 at time of writing. Canadian Consumer Price Index data and Retail Sales figures will be on the agenda for tomorrow.

I hope you all have a nice day.