
Aug 27


  • BY: Nati
  • August, 27th, 2013 7:56 +00:00

Japanese Government funds are going to be used in an effort to prevent further disaster at the stricken Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Japanese have undertaken a widespread inspection of the country’s nuclear reactors. Japan and China will probably not hold talks on a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea. Asian shares were down over the session overall, and the USD/JPY was trading at 98.05 with a high of 98.53 and a low of 98.02 so far.

The NIKKEI closed at 13542.40 down 93.91 points, or minus0.69%

In Germany this morning, the Ifo Institute Business Climate Index is released. Ahead of German elections on the 22nd of September, we will see the first televised debate next week. Italian Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, is continuing with spending cuts and the Italian stock market dropped in value by over 2% due to fears the cuts will lead to a breakdown in the coalition government due to internal debate as to the best policy decisions to take going forward. CABLE was trading at 1.5531 with a high of 1.5591 and a low of 1.5521 so far.

The FTSE100 closed at 6484.82 down 7.28 or minus 0.11% while the DAX closed at 8410.86 down 24.29 points or minus 0.29%

Markets are considering the real possibility of military intervention by the US in Syria. News reports offer conflicting opinions as to who is responsible for the use of chemical weapons which caused the deaths of up to 1400 people last week. Oil and Gold prices can be watched closely as this situation develops. At present gold is trading at just over USD 1400 per ounce, and USOIL is trading at 105.93 per barrel. EUR/USD was trading at 1.3377 with a high of 1.3390 and a low of 1.3355 so far.

The DOW closed at 14946.50 down 64.05 points or minus 0.43%

Have a nice day.