
Aug 27


  • BY: Nati
  • August, 27th, 2015 8:39 +00:00

Good morning,

Japanese Foreign Investment figures released overnight showed a decline in both stock and bond buying by foreigners. USDJPY trading at 120.17 In the next 24 hours we will see a range of data out of Japan including the Unemployment Rate Retail figures and Consumer Price Index data. Asian Markets have recovered some of the losses sustained earlier in the week with the Hang Seng Index closing up 3% and the Shanghai up over 5% The Australian Index and the Nikkei both gained in the region of 1% for the session.

The NIKKEI closed at 18574.44 gaining 197.61 points or 1.08% for the session.

In Europe today we saw Germany’s Import Price Index figures, Britain’s Nationwide Housing Prices  and Finnish Industrial and Consumer Confidence figures to start this morning’s session. French Business Climate and Individual Investment figures to follow. EURGBP trading at 0.7306 Spanish Gross Domestic Product and Swiss Industrial Production to follow. EURUSD trading at 1.1308 Tomorrow we will see GDP figures out of the UK with GBPUSD trading at 1.5476

The FTSE100 was trading at 6105.11 while the DAX was trading at 10279.51 early in the European session.

In the US we see the start of the Jackson Hole Symposium taking place today, and it will continue into the weekend. United States Gross Domestic Product figures out today, as are the Consumption Expenditures Prices and Jobless Claims figures. A very quiet week in Canada with the only data scheduled taking place tomorrow, when the Industrial Product Price and the Raw Material Price Index will be published. USDCAD trading at 1.3215

The DOW was closed at 16285.51 gaining 619.07 points or 3.95% on the previous close.

I hope you all have a nice day.