
Apr 28


  • BY: Nati
  • April, 28th, 2015 8:48 +00:00

Good morning,

Japanese Retail Sales figures were disappointing, falling further than had been expected with a 9.7% drop year on year till March. USDJPY trading at 119.07 Reserve Bank of Australia’s Governor, Glenn Stevens, has voiced concerns at the Australian Financial Review's Banking and Wealth Summit. Mr Stevens said the global retirement income system was under a lot of pressure. AUDUSD trading at 0.7890

The NIKKEI closed at 20058.95 up 75.63 points or 0.38%

In Europe this morning we see French Consumer Confidence figures, as well as Swedish Retail Sales and Producer Price Index data ahead of the British GDP figures for the first quarter. GBPUSD trading at 1.5235 while EURGBP is trading at 0.7140 German Unemployment figures due on Thursday could influence Euro strength as could the Euro Zone Consumer Price Index due on the same day.

The FTSE100 was trading at 7057.88 down 46.10 or minus 0.65% while the DAX was trading at 11945.51 falling 93.65 points or minus 0.78%

In the US today we see the Redbook Index and the Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index for April. We will also see Consumer Confidence figures and the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices figures today. Bank of Canada’s Governor, Stephen Poloz is scheduled to speak today. USDCAD is trading at 1.2103 at time of writing. USOIL is trading at $57.25 per barrel.

The DOW closed at 18037.97 down 42.17 points or minus 0.23%

Hope you all have a nice day.