
Jan 30


  • BY: Nati
  • January, 30th, 2015 9:16 +00:00

Good morning,

Asian markets saw the AUDUSD fall to 2009 levels this week with a low of 0.7720 with some analysts expecting the Reserve Bank of Australia to cut rates in the early stages of next week. Japanese Housing Starts fell by 14.7% slightly less than the -14.8% that had been expected. USDJPY trading at 117.90

The NIKKEI was trading at 17674.39 up 68.17 points or 0.39%

German Retail Sales figures came out up 4.0% for December year on year, higher than expected. French Consumer Spending for the month of December increased by 1.5% with Spanish GDP figures out at 2.05 slightly higher than had been expected. EURUSD trading at 1.1338 Euro Zone Consumer Price Index results are due to be published this session.

The FTSE100 was trading at 6840.52 up 29.92 points or 0.44% while the DAX was trading at 10790.05 up 52.18 points or 0.49% shortly after the open.

Across the Atlantic GDP figures from Canada and then the US will be released. USDCAD trading at 1.2655 Other figures out today in the US will include Personal Consumption Expenditures, the Chicago Purchasing Managers’ Index for January and the Reuters/Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index will round up the data releases for this week.

The DOW closed at 17416.85 up 225.48 points or 1.31%

Hope you all have a nice weekend.