Products Available to Trade with NSFX Ltd.
NSFX Ltd. has designed a trading solution for every type and level of trader. As a client, you can choose what and how to trade, thereby ensuring your custom trading experience is optimized to your specifications.
NSFX Ltd. trading solutions allow you to trade Forex and CFD instruments from the same account, allowing you to create fluent strategies and make cohesive trading decisions.
NSFX Ltd. Customer Support Team is available during market hours to provide information on setting up your trading environment.

Gold & Metals
NSFX Ltd. recognises that trading Gold is an integral part of many traders’ trading strategy.

CFD's Energies
The oil market is a mature market, with excellent liquidity. It allows traders to earn.

CFD's Indices
Trading CFD Indices provides clients with exposure to all international equity markets.

With over 50 currency pairs – including the most popular major currencies and a variety of crosses.