
Set 30


  • BY:
  • Settembre, 30th, 2013 8:14 +00:00

Good morning,

Friday evening in USA the S&P closed below 1700 at 1691.75 (-0.41%), Nasdaq did better but closed negative as well at 3781.15 (-0.15%). The DJIA still above the psycholigical level 15000 at 15258.2 (-0.46%).  Global stock fell today, extending their retreat from a five-year high. In Asia the week started with a sharp retracement, the Nikkei closed -2.06% at 14455.8 , the Hang Seng  at 22.923 (-1.66%) and the ASX200 in Australia down 88 points to 5218.88 (-1.66%).  Even in Europe all the indices are trading with a minus sign. DAX down -1.11% at 7:53 GMT, Ftse100-0.8% and Eurostox -1.17% at 2881. Market are anxious because the U.S. government stands poised  for its partial shutdown in 17 years at midnight tonight, after negotiations did not produce results to avert it.  In Europe the government crisis in Italy is giving instability to the bond market as well, with the spread  between the Italian BTP over the German Bund that rised to 288 basis point.  In the FX market the Yen is the strongest currency: UsdJpy -0.32% at 97.90, AudJpy at 91.10 (-0.44%). EurUsd struggling to stay above 1.35, is trading at 1.3501 (-0.16%). and GbpUsd at 1.6136 (-0.01%).  At  09:00 GMT  will be released in Europe the Consumer Price Index expected at 1.2% (YoY). In the new continent at 12:30 GMT in Canada will be released the GDP (MoM) regarding the month of July. Then is USA at 13:45 GMT  will be the turn of the Chicago Purchasing Manager Index (Sept.), expected at 54. At 15:30 the last data regarding the 3 and 6 month bill auction.